Chevrolet Corvette C1

Prijs  € 75.500,00
Merk  Chevrolet
Model  Corvette
Type  C1
Bouwjaar  1962
Km.  1 km.
Carrosserie  Cabriolet
Brandstof  Benzine
Transmissie  Handgeschakeld
Kleur  Wit
Deuren  2
Chevrolet CORVETTE C1
Merk: ChevroletModel: CORVETTETellerstand: 1 KMCarrosserievorm: CabrioAantal deuren: 2Brandstofsoort: BenzineBouwjaar: 1962Transmissie: HandgeschakeldKleur: witBTW/Marge: Marge, de BTW is niet aftrekbaar

Websitenumber 2246
A wonderful Ermine white C1 Vette
The Chevrolet Corvette C1 is the first generation of the Corvette sports car produced by Chevrolet, started in 1953 and span over almost 10 years. They say the last of something is often times the best and this wonderful Vette is the last iteration of the C1 line and built in 1962!
Build in St Louis, this is an Ermine White Chevrolet Corvette C1 in very good condition! Vettes like these also have such a magnificent cockpit and this one comes with a black interior. A radio is also included.
It contains a contrasting black Soft top that matches its internals, has nice chrome parts, White wall tires and Double Exhaust. This Convertible is a 4-speed manual 2-seater. So strap yourself in and enjoy this piece of art.

Geevers Classic Cars B.V.
Florapark 7
5721VH Asten

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